Aura cleaning refers to the practice of releasing negative energies or entities from one’s aura or energy field to foster a clearer, healthier energy environment. Auras are said to be an invisible energy field surrounding the body, which can be influenced by one’s thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

Here is a detailed guide to aura cleaning:

  1. Understand the concept of auras: Familiarize yourself with the idea of auras and how they function. Auras are believed to be composed of layers of subtle energy that emit various colors, which may reflect an individual’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states.
  2. Ground and center yourself: Begin the aura cleansing process by grounding and centering yourself. Find a comfortable, quiet space to sit or lie down, and take a few deep breaths to establish a sense of calmness and focus.
  3. Visualize a protective shield: Picture a protective, luminescent energy shield surrounding your body, which will act as a barrier to any unwanted energies. You may visualize the shield as a specific color, such as white, pink, or gold, that resonates with you.
  4. Scan your aura: Mentally scan your aura by visualizing each layer of your energy field, starting from the outermost layer and working inward. As you do so, observe any areas of your aura that seem to be tainted by negative energy, emotions, or entities.
  5. Release negative energies: Once you’ve identified any areas that require cleansing, ask for help from your higher self or the Universe to release these negative energies. Visualize them as dark or muted colors, and see them gradually dissipating or being absorbed by the protective shield you created earlier.
  6. Infuse your aura with positive energy: Now that you’ve removed negative energies, visualize pure, vibrant, and positive energy filling in the spaces left behind. Use colors and symbols that resonate with you and bring forth healing and light.
  7. Seal your aura: When you feel satisfied with the energy you’ve infused into your aura, visualize sealing or closing your protective shield to retain the positive energy you’ve generated. This shield will help to repel any unwanted energies or negative influences.
  8. Develop a daily practice: Consistency is key when it comes to aura cleansing. Incorporate aura cleaning or energy work into your daily routine to maintain a healthy and balanced energy field.
  9. Surround yourself with positive people and environments: To strengthen your aura and keep it clean, surround yourself with positive individuals and environments that resonate with your values and well-being.
  10. Trust in the process: Aura cleaning is a meditative and introspective practice. As you practice aura cleansing, trust in the process and maintain an open mind. It may take time to feel the benefits, so be patient with yourself and your progress.

Remember that aura cleaning is a subtle practice, and results may vary depending on individual experiences and beliefs. To complement your aura cleaning practice, consider incorporating other energy healing techniques, such as meditation, yoga, or crystal healing.