Crystals have been used for centuries in various cultures for their healing properties, both physically and mentally. While their efficacy in healing is still debated in the mainstream medical field, many people continue to use them for holistic healing and personal development. Here are the detailed basics of crystals healing:

Chakras and energy fields: In alternative healing practices, crystals are believed to help balance and harmonize the body’s chakra centers, which are thought to be energy centers within the body. Each chakra corresponds to a specific color and crystal, helping to align and restore energy flow through the body.

Seed syllables and intentions: Crystals are often associated with specific seed syllables or intentions, which are sounds or mantras believed to hold high vibrational energy. By setting an intention for a crystal and repeating its corresponding seed syllable, a practitioner can enhance the healing properties of the crystal.

Crystal healing sessions: A crystal healing session typically involves placing crystals on or near the body, either on specific chakra points or at areas of physical or emotional discomfort. The practitioner may also hold or gaze into the crystals to channel their healing energy. These sessions can be done individually or in a group setting, and the duration may vary depending on the practitioner’s methods.

Crystal elixirs and essences: Some practitioners use crystals to create elixirs or essences, which can be taken internally or used topically. By soaking crystals in water or alcohol, the practitioner can absorb some of the beneficial properties of the crystal and create a concentrated remedy to support physical, emotional, or mental well-being.

Feng shui and space clearing: Crystals can also be used in feng shui, the Chinese practice of creating harmonious energy flow in one’s surroundings. Specific crystals, such as quartz, are believed to help clear negative energy and promote positive vibes, while other crystals like amethyst are thought to attract favorable energies.

Crystal grids and layouts: Practitioners may use crystal grids to direct and amplify the healing energy of the crystals. These grids often involve arranging crystals in a specific pattern or design to create a focused energy field for healing.

Crystal meditation: Adding crystals to meditation practice can help deepen the experience and provide extra support for spiritual growth. By holding or placing crystals during meditation, the practitioner can tap into their healing energy and refine their intention.

Jewelry and adornments: Wearing or carrying crystals in jewelry can help keep their healing energy close to the wearer throughout the day. Many people find wearing crystal jewelry to be a comfortable and convenient way to incorporate crystal healing into their daily lives.

Crystal workshops and certification: There are workshops and classes available for those interested in learning more about crystal healing and how to integrate it into their lives. Some practitioners also seek certification to become crystal healing facilitators or teachers.

Self-care and personal development: Incorporating crystals into one’s self-care routine and personal development can offer profound benefits. By connecting with the healing energy of crystals, individuals can work towards bettering their well-being and addressing any physical, emotional, or mental challenges.

While these methods have gained popularity in alternative healing practices, there is still limited scientific evidence to support the claims surrounding crystal healing. Always consult with a healthcare professional for any physical or mental health concerns.


Crystal healing is a holistic practice that uses crystals to support physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Some reasons people engage in crystal healing include:

Stress relief: Crystal energy can provide relaxation, reducing anxiety and promoting inner peace.

Emotional support: Crystals help balance emotions, fostering emotional health and awareness.

Energy balance: Aligning chakras with crystals improves energy flow, promoting well-being.

Self-awareness: Crystal practice drives self-reflection, leading to personal growth.

Physical support: Certain crystals allegedly relieve pain, boost immunity, and aid recovery.

Personal resonance: Matching individual vibrations, crystals enhance alignment and well-being.

Spiritual growth: Crystals support intuition, creativity, and spiritual development.

Connection: Shared experiences in crystal healing foster emotional support.

Personal rituals: Crystals may enhance daily routines and personal practices.

Holistic living: Crystal healing complements other holistic approaches to overall well-being.

While lacking scientific evidence, these benefits may contribute to why many people practice crystal healing.