Among these, the Sun, Saturn, Mars, . decreasing Mood, Rahu and Ketu (the ascending and the descending nodes of the Moon) are malefics
 while the rest are benefics(Venus,Jupiter,Mercury, and Unafflicted Moon.Mercury, however, is a malefic if he joins a malefic.

Notes : That decreasing Moon and increasing Moon are .respectively a malefic and a benefic is the view conveyed by the sage. Yet some exponents and commentators hold the following view :

When the Moon is ahead of the Sun but within 120°, she has medium strength. Between 120° to 240’ she is very auspicious, From 240° to 0° she is bereft of , strength,however, related to the Moon’s strength or otherwise, while waning Moon (Krishna Paksha or dark half Moon) is a malefic and waxing Moon (Sukla Paksha or bright half Moon) is a benefic.

Should the Moon be conjunct a benefic or aspected by a benefic, she turns a benefic, even if in a waning state.

If waning moon and mercury are together they become Benefic

Benefic Planets

Benefic planets, on the other hand, are those that bring positive outcomes and opportunities in life. They are:

  1. Jupiter – Known as the greatest benefic, Jupiter represents growth, wisdom, philosophy, and optimism. It brings expansion in various aspects of life, such as wealth, knowledge, and relationships.
  2. Venus – The planet of love, luxury, and beauty, Venus brings harmony, artistic talents, and creative pursuits. A well-placed Venus can lead to a happy marriage, financial prosperity, and a fulfilling social life.
  3. Mercury – The messenger planet, Mercury, represents communication, intelligence, and commerce. It boosts mental activities and brings success in business and professions.
  4. Sun – The life-giver, the Sun represents vitality, leadership, and royalty. It brings confidence and courage, as well as success in endeavors.
  5. Moon – Associated with emotions, intuition, and nurturing, the Moon represents the mother-figure in life. It brings a sense of security, stability, and emotional balance.

Malefic Planets

Malefic planets are those that have the potential to cause negative consequences, challenges, or obstacles in an individual’s life, such as difficulties in relationships, career, health, or finances. These planets include:

Mars – The red planet, Mars, represents aggression, competitiveness, and passion. It can cause conflicts, accidents, and injuries, as well as war and violence.
Saturn – Known as the lord of karma, Saturn represents discipline, hard work, and patience. However, it can cause delays, obstacles, and hardships if unfavorably placed in the birth chart.
Uranus – Associated with sudden events, revolutions, and unconventional ideas, Uranus can bring chaos, breakups, and disruptions in life.
Neptune – The mysterious blue planet, Neptune represents spiritualism, intuition, and creativity. It can bring confusion, self-deception, and escapism if poorly placed.

Rahu (north node) – Represents uncertainties and mysterious influences. Rahu is associated with occultism, esoteric knowledge, and can bring sudden changes in life.
Ketu (south node) – Represents spiritual liberation, freedom, and detachment. Ketu can bring karmic lessons related to forgiveness, letting go, and self-growth.