Lets Explore Both the kundlis

North Indian Style

A North Indian birth chart in Vedic astrology is composed of 12 Zodiac signs, representing regions of the sky through which the Sun, Moon, and planets move. It features nine celestial bodies (grahas), including the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. These celestial bodies occupy 12 astrological houses, which signify different life aspects. The birth date and time determine the planet’s positions in the zodiac signs and houses. North Indian birth chart analysis assesses planetary positions, strengths, and aspects to understand their influence on various life events and provide guidance. The Rashi are not fixed, For example if you born under leo the first house will show 5 number.

South Indian Kundli

A South Indian birth chart, based on Vedic astrology, is similar to a North Indian birth chart but with some regional differences in emphasis and interpretation. It comprises 12 Zodiac signs (rashi), 9 celestial bodies (grahas), and 12 astrological houses. However, South Indian astrology pays more attention to the individual’s birth star (nakshatra), which represents a specific constellation. This birth star’s influence is considered alongside the planet positions and zodiac signs. Vedic astrologers use South Indian birth charts to offer insights into an individual’s life, using astrology’s unique regional nuances. The rashi are fixed it does not move, if you are birth is in leo sign,The lagna will be in leo 5 th house.

Note : Number written are the zodiac signs for example; 1- Aries ,  8- Scorpio 12- Pisces