Planetary Cabinet

Sun- Army Chief

Moon -Army Chief

Mars-Army Chief

Jupiter- Minister

Venus- Minister

Saturn- Servant

Rahu- Army

Ketu- Army

Planetary Cabinet Vedic Astrology refers to an ancient system of astrology originating from India, with roots in Vedic and Hindu traditions. This form of astrology is based on the belief that the movement and alignment of celestial bodies, specifically the planets, have an impact on human life and events. The planetary cabinet primarily focuses on nine celestial bodies, namely the five visible planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn), along with Raahu (the node of the moon) and Ketu (the node of the sun).

In Vedic Astrology, the positions of these celestial bodies at the time of a person’s birth are used to analyze their life, received influences, and provide guidance for their future. This planetary cabinet helps astrologers determine planetary positions during birth, as well as their significances in various aspects of one’s life, such as career, relationships, health, and spirituality.

Some key concepts in Vedic Astrology include houses ( derived from the twelve equally-spaced divisions of the zodiac), aspects (the alleged influences between planets when they are in a specific geometric pattern), and planetary periods (the cyclical influences of planets on an individual’s life as indicated by their positions at the time of birth). Astrologers and practitioners use these elements to interpret the birth chart and make predictions about an individual’s future.

Remember that astrology is not a science but more an art, it’s about understanding patterns and trends, and the planetary cabinet in Vedic astrology is one of many tools used to understand these patterns.